Kamis, 20 September 2012

I Am So Ready For Some Football!

This is it. FPM's senior year. Their first game of the season is this Saturday. I'll be watching on Stretch Internet cuz we will be making the long road trip for the following 3 weekends and hopefully flying up for Homecoming. The Wildcats will visit Cali twice and get close enough when they play Southern Oregon. Woo Hoo!!! This should be a very exciting season.

In other news, my baby, Warrior Princess, started high school. OMG and WTF! Am I old or what? TestCase started a new med and hasn't had a seizure in 7 months. Super Woo Hoo!

It's late and I should be sleeping but Hubby is out of town and I don't sleep well when he's gone. I'll pay tomorrow, but hell, it's Friday.

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